Company purpose

Print better homes because the change towards a sustainable and eco-friendly way of living should always start from the most familiar place.



TesserianTech path begin in mid-2018 when Lothian, while developing a new generation of "myoelectric prostheses with external energy", began to study the applications of 3d printing in greater depth, realising the enormous opportunities that the construction market offers.

Because of the very low level of automation in the construction industry and the outdated reference model that the competitors use (William Urschel's machine from 1940s), he decided to freeze the development of prosthetic technology in 2019 to develop a new approach to 3D printing for construction.

The goal is not to solve ONE problem, as many advisors suggest startups do, but to solve THE main problem so that several problems can be effectively solved with a single solution. During the development new valuable companions, Mohamed Aboelhassan and Arianna Barboglio, have joined the team, contributing significantly to the definition of what TesserianTech is today.


The team formed during TesserianTech's journey aims to improve the safety of the environment and the living conditions of people around the world. The diversity incorporated in our team thanks to the professionals who have been part of it since the early stage is our powerful accelerator. Thanks to this inclusive environment, the project benefits from the different mentalities and skills that enrich our workplace.

Lothian Guidobaldi

Lothian Guidobaldi

Dr. Mohamed Aboelhassan

Mohamed Aboelhassan, PhD

Arianna Barboglio

Arianna Barboglio, MA